Who is TCG?

TCG is an abbreviation for “The Crossover Group”. TCG was birthed in 2018 as a blog and by God’s grace in 2021 He has allowed us to grow and expand. Our purpose is to go to the nations and spread the good news about Christ. As lead by the Holy Spirit we focus on building bridges between 3 key factors in all of our lives. God, commitment, and family. Why God, commitment, and family? God because without our head we are nothing. Commitment because God teaches us about the importance of covenants(commitments and promises). Lastly, family because we are all in relation with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. God wants to rebuild these factors because as a nation we lose sight of who God is, why covenants are important, and why we need each other. We pray you join the TCG Family today.

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  1. This here is such powerful wording and a true testimony. Keep being that willing vessel that God has called you…

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